Online Courses

Discover The Wellspring of Sustainable Wellbeing

lay the foundation for realising sustainable wellbeing by:

  • Getting total clarity on what distinguishes sustainable wellbeing from common misconceptions so you can stop chasing after false dreams that will let you down
  • Abandoning mental patterns that perpetuate your own distress
  • Understanding the three underlying pillars of sustainable wellbeing so you can cultivate them systematically
  • Inspiring you in your quest for authentic wellbeing by creating a vision of your own flourishing in interdependence with others and the world
  • Empowering you to take control of your own happiness by tapping into the potential of the mind
  • Learning how to transform adversity so that it moves you towards greater wellbeing
  • Re-appraising your desires and aspirations to ensure they are conducive to sustainable wellbeing
  • Making genuine wellbeing a hardwired habit by exploiting neuroplasticity through meditation
  • Implementing a daily meditation practice to cultivate healthier mental habits in the service of a happier life

Refining Attentional Focus

In this programme, you will put in place the second key component of a balanced mind in order to realise sustainable wellbeing. Beyond being the key to better performance, greater productivity, enhanced personal effectiveness and increased cognitive control, attention is crucial if we want to implement the desires, aspirations and intentions we established in the first programme without getting derailed.

Transcending Unconscious Bias

move towards greater objectivity and freedom from bias by:

  • Getting motivated to take action by understanding how biases undermine our own and others’ wellbeing
  • Harnessing your mind’s power to tackle bias through tapping into a contemplative approach to transcending bias
  • Learning to recognise different types of biases by exploring a 4-fold classification of bias so you can nip them in the bud
  • Encouraging you to take action by transcending limiting beliefs about bias rooted in evolution and neuroscience
  • Empowering you to tackle bias experientially by expanding your meditative toolkit
  • Cutting bias at its root by overcoming 3 common fallacies that perpetuate bias
  • Learning meditation practices that help us perceive ourselves, others and the world more objectively
  • Implementing a varied daily meditation practice to cultivate internal and external objectivity

Cultivating Emotional Wisdom

cultivate greater emotional wisdom by:

  • Revolutionising your perspective on emotions by drawing on contemplative wisdom to help you gain mastery over your emotional landscape
  • Gaining insight into how emotions can make us suffer which will help you break the cycle
  • Empowering you to transform emotions that are by nature afflictive into more adaptive ones
  • Inspiring you to cultivate wholesome states of mind to enhance your own and others’ wellbeing
  • Nipping destructive emotions in the bud before they wreak havoc with your mental health and relationships
  • Increasing your emotional intelligence by learning to respond rather than react to triggers
  • Understanding the neuroscience and psychology of emotional processing to open up more choices of different emotion regulation strategies
  • Liberating you from the tyranny of difficult emotions through meditative practices that help you relate to emotions skillfully