Eight Characteristics of Enlightened Leaders

I have identified the following eight characteristics of Enlightened Leaders, which can all be cultivated and trained and form the backbone of my workshops and programmes.

The cornerstone of enlightened leadership is ethics, simply defined as a commitment to refrain from inflicting intentional wrongdoing or harm, as articulated in the Hippocratic oath, coupled with the endeavour to act benevolently in the service of others. Without the sound foundation of integrity, any further training on the eight characteristics becomes meaningless.

The Eight Characteristics

1. Freedom from Bias

This is about how we view the world, not our explicit beliefs but the actual perception and our underlying assumptions. We are told that unconscious bias is hardwired in our brain and we have little hope of overcoming it. Yet such cognitive distortion can be significantly reduced and we can approximate the scientific ideal of objectivity through methodically training the mind. Enlightened Leaders have a clear view of themselves, other people and reality as a whole, as free from unfounded assumptions, projections, distortions and obscurations as possible.

2. Authentic Motivation

Contrary to current beliefs in the primacy of results and outcome, Enlightened Leaders are driven by an authentic motivation, a genuine desire to benefit and serve others and the greater good, which informs how their leadership is embodied and executed.

3. Meaningful Communication

Rooted in authentic motivation meaningful communication focuses on the other person rather than being driven by a desire for self-promotion or pushing one’s own agenda. It is positive and constructive, even when difficult messages have to be conveyed, based on reality and driven by a desire to empower, unite, serve and connect.

4. Compassionate Conduct

Our behaviour is the clearest manifestation of our motivations and intentions and shows to what extent our actions are in accordance with our values and ethics. Enlightened Leaders practise what they preach, they embody the ideals of enlightened leadership which are in the service and for the benefit of the people they lead. Compassion means seeing and taking seriously the challenges people face, as well as their causes, but rather than turning away in aloof indifference or wallowing in sympathy or pity, compassion is a positive, action-based and pro-social stance that goes beyond mere empathy.

5. Skilful Decision-Making

To be skilful refers to wisdom in action, to perceive with discerning judgement which decisions lead to which consequences and being able to foresee and avert unskilful courses of action that are likely to lead to deleterious results. Enlightened Leaders exercise sound judgement, based on the wisdom of understanding cause and effect, and act appropriately.

6. Joyous Effort

Leaders succeed not least due to hard work but all too often this is achieved by sheer force and willpower and is accompanied by an inner contraction – the proverbial clenched fist and gritted teeth. Enlightened Leaders have a light touch and experience joy in their efforts.

7. Mindful Awareness

Enlightened Leaders are mindfully and discerningly aware of their own emotional and mental landscape, that of the people they work with and of their environment. They can “bear in mind”, which is the real meaning of mindfulness, whatever or whomever they attend to, including themselves, with a sense of caring and real presence. Mindful awareness can be present-focused as well as prospective, the ability to remember what will need to be done in the future.

8. Focus of Attention

Enlightened Leaders can concentrate and sustain their attention on the task at hand, without their mind becoming distracted or forgetful. Their attention remains unwavering in the modern workplace, which all too often fosters attention deficit and a scattered mind. They can reach an almost effortless state of “flow”, an ability to focus their attention at will on whatever needs to be done.

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